
Every single member of Daphne’s family had a totally different accent though. I have to assume the producers were just fucking with John Mahoney.

This just reaffirms my wish that Fuller had stuck with Discovery instead.

As a production manager by trade, it boggles my mind that they went $30 million over budget. How is that even possible? That’s $3 mil extra per episode. If I were Fremantle I’d be livid.

That’s not really my point. The original writer is a resource regardless of whether or not money changes hands. The input of the person who created the work and who is best qualified to explain and expand upon the original vision doesn’t suddenly become irrelevant because they sold filming rights.

I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that Gaiman signed a deal with Starz that gave him final say over any deviations from the source material, because he didn’t want it to potentially clash with what he has planned for the American Gods sequel book. If that’s what Fuller was really beefing over—not being able to deviate

Fuller sounds like a pain, honestly. He’s walked away from CBS, Showtime and now Starz. As the old adage goes, if everyone else is the asshole maybe it’s you, bud.

Now playing

Piers Morgan is a thin skinned bully, there’s no humour there.

i wish there was a way to down-vote here

Here’s the thing re: depicting a man doing something vs. depicting a woman doing the same act — by their very nature, they would have different implications. The symbolic essence of any image is central to effective visual communication. Showing a woman eating Trump’s ass communicates (and/or has the potential to

What do you mean “IF”? This has been done to Hillary a thousand times over. Have you never been on the Internet before?

If this was done to Hillary or, any other woman, liberals would be in the streets, dressed as vaginas and calling for the death of the cartoonist and the TV show host

“That Christopher Walken has played a number of creepy characters, has an idiosyncratic speaking rhythm and an off-putting manner! He must have done it!”

Personally I think the most plausible explanation is that there was a fight, Wagner got physical (explaining the bruises to Woods’s face and body) and this incident prompted her to get into the dingy and make for shore. She was reportedly afraid of the water and small boats, but if Wagner made things too intolerable,

I think it’s more likely—if Wagner really had anything to do with it—that they got into a fight and she either fell accidentally, or he got physical with her and sent her over, probably unintentionally. He then got scared and covered it up.

Finally Syfy can make Fucknado vs. Pterafucker vs. Fucktopus.

Very old news.  Like I remember people on message boards in 1998 arguing about it

Fake News!

It’s the same old argument. How can the government be completely incompetent, yet control everything?

Nowdays when you secretly record the villain saying something incriminating he becomes president.

Yep, the best way to silence a man that has a radio and television show is to surreptitiously pull the plug on his Twitter account.