
YES! Those are a little used visual effect called “match dissolves.” Orson Welles made frequent use of them in “Citizen Kane.” I LOVE them, and always work in one in every film I direct.

My introduction to Buster Keaton was in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, when I was probably about five or six. Most of the adult humor went way over my head but I loved Keaton’s character. From there it was childhood viewings of The General and Steamboat Bill, Jr.

“Things are bigger....yet smaller. There’s computers...........”

I wonder if there is a correlation with the customer base of these films and Brexit.

“Some people fervently remember seeing a movie called Shazam, with Sinbad playing an irrepressible genie. They’re probably thinking of a movie called Kazaam, with Shaquille O’Neal playing an irrepressible genie.”

You mean the guys who decided that Ketchup was a vegetable so schools could serve meals that were basically just bread and potatos to poor kids and ones who demonized “welfare queens” as fat black women popping out babies so they can get more government money while driving expensive cars and eating crab legs thus

They were super malicious even then, they were just more polite about it.

This might be an unpopular or even radical opinion, but maybe it is not necessary to revive every god-damn tv series ever made?

Yeah, but Banks has been real, real dead for a minute now.

Hello, it’s me, a writer for one of Kotaku’s FMG cousin publications who once spent way too long researching an essay on bicycles. Japan took to bikes like you wouldn’t believe, partly as a byproduct of its rapid industrialization; not only was there consumer demand for bikes as status symbols, but also an increasing

This Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore.

The flip to Left-to-right writing isn’t from just “influence”—it’s actually a pretty direct result of losing WW2 and the US occupation of Japan in 1945 - 1952.

FYI, the big sign says:

The Romans were nothing if not fastidious record keepers. There is simply no way to administrate an empire stretching from Turkey to the British Isles without generating a tremendous amount of paperwork. We know this, because a great deal of that paperwork has survived down to today.

So the thing with British theater tradition of the time points to the idea that while Shakespear did write all the plays we attribute to him. He also did what every other playwrite back then did and stole shit from everyone else.

Claiming that his works were written by someone else is one thing, but disputing his existence when we have actual documents he signed (including his will), records of lawsuits he was involved in, financial records of companies he co-owned, not to mention his family tree with parents, wife, children, etc. seems

There are people who dispute the existence of Shakespeare, but those people are dumbasses.

Shakespeare definitely existed. Some people over the centuries have speculated that he didn’t actually write the plays and sonnets attributed to him, but that theory is stupid.


Scientology had a sizable cult of followers 30 years after Hubbard made it all up. Doesn’t follow that it’s based on something real.