
I really don’t believe that he’d never done it before. I’d like to believe he won’t do it again.

[Does some cursory Googling, gasps.]

It’s not harassment or predation if SHE’S INTO IT TOO, you asshat. My god. Consent does not kill happyfunsexytimes. If anything, it makes it more fun.

What are you talking about? Zack has watched and reviewed over 400 episodes, starting with Kirk and going all the way to Ben Sisko. He is definitely a fan.

His reviews of Discovery are a little more negative than my impressions, but that doesn’t invalidate his opinions. And your suggestion that he’s not a fan because

TWIST: It was Rappin’ Jake Sisko the whole time.

I’m not sure “retcon” is quite applicable. There wasn’t any continuity to retcon concerning where the Defiant actually ended up after the battle with the Tholians destabilized the spatial rift, since nothing was established. Scotty’s exact words were “only Heaven knows where it sent the Defiant.”

The difference was that both of these were strong episodes that used the double (of Kirk) or the erratic behavior (mainly of Spock) as opportunities to tell good stories and develop believable characters. Watching Spock struggle to control his human side in such an early episode made it clear to viewers from the very

Google has nothing to do with it.

  • The only U.S.S. Defiant in Trek history is the one from Deep Space Nine, which doesn’t fit the timeline.

The Defiant from this episode was the Defiant from the TOS episode “The Tholian Web”, which phased out of reality in that episode. In the Enterprise Mirror Universe 2-parter, you find out that the Defiant actually traveled to the Mirror Universe, 100 years in the past. It’s an entirely different ship than Sisko’s,

Just read his comments in the Simpsons Comic Book Guy voice and get a good laugh out of them; they’re pretty funny that way. Thanks for the great article.

It is true that people read Elvis Costello interviews primarily to get into really pedantic details about British comedy, which don’t even seem to matter to the people who made said comedy.

We now know Comic Book Guy’s username.

“I Appreciate The Muppets The Comic Strip Presents on a Much Deeper Level Than You”

Since I know a lot of readers enjoy the behind-the-scenes moments, here’s how this interview went down:

Yes, Will needs to learn that the ‘Dismiss’ button is the best feature of Kinja, and it is not used nearly enough by nearly enough people. Why bother arguing with a touchhole like that? Ignore, dismiss, or reply, ‘lighten up, francis.’ But do not actually engage when there is no value to be taken from the “discussion”.

“Sorry, Mr. Costello, I have to interrupt this interview in order to mention a lot of arcane Comic Strip trivia or else one dude on the internet is going to be PISSED.”

“Facebook stalking for spank bank purposes is fine—we all do it”

FB stalking sounds so boring.  Grow a spine and look at porn.

I did not mean that Conservatives are generally stupid; I meant that stupid persons are generally Conservative. I believe that to be so obvious and undeniable a fact that I hardly think any hon. Gentleman will question it.”