
Exactly. Part of good leadership is making sure your subordinates feel heard, even if you go in another direction.

Meanwhile, when Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy approach Richard Linklater and say “My character wouldn’t say this,” he replies “Alright, what do you think they would say?”


Its just like real life..the nation comes together and elects a person of color to office and gets health care and then we go back to square one and put a stupid crazy racist in office and try to get rid of all benefits for the working class.

That would also be useful to me so I can be sure to repeat a Simpsons reference that’s already been made. You see, it’s my job to be repetitive. My job. My job. Repetitiveness is my job!

That’s the same as sort by popular.

Look at Mr. Optimist assuming there will be schools in 50 years!

There are two main factions that use “globalism” as a slur: anti-Semites, for whom the word “globalism” is a stand-in for “Judaism,” and batshit Christians for whom “globalism” more or less exactly equates to the “Late, Great Planet Earth/Left Behind” Book of Revelations cinematic universe.

Q’s never really been the same since they kicked him out of the Continuum that one time.

We’re through the looking glass here.

Personally, I’m of the opinion that most ‘preppers’ couldn’t survive a tulip bubble. 

I’d say that Birth of a Nation was part of “public discourse around race”. Just a really awful form of it. Although I suppose Griffith would have also imagined it as part of the discourse around sexual assault.

I’m not a fan of any of the Rankin-Bass holiday specials (and this is the best of a bad bunch), but I’d argue the fact that this Rudolph movie has inspired such a wide variety of poorly-thought out hot takes from across the spectrum means that it actually isn’t political at all.

Sturgeon’s Law: “90% of everything is crap”. Now, he was talking about the stuff that made it past an editor. If every level of filtering cuts out 90%, then 99.9% of fanfic is various levels of crap. But that still leaves 0.1%.

99.9~% of anything creative is shit, man... that’s the nature of having people learn by throwing stuff out there. They get better with time and practice and good feedback. You don’t get the .1% of awesome, free of the rest that serves as a testbed, open distribution platform and support community. You need the rest of

Rule 34 man. Rule 34.

Pretty sure we sneer at fanfic because 99.999% of fanfic is absolute shit.

Ben would’ve been such a baller today...until all the women start to come forward.

It’s not establishment republicans doing this. Mitch McConnell isn’t like “MOORE WAS ROBBED”. It’s the Bannonites.

I see in his messages to Rogen, he’s got one of my favorite idiotic conservative talking points. “And by the way, yes, the Democrat party did found the KKK. Google it.” This bugs the shit out of me for three reasons. One, there’s the completely ridiculous belief that the anything the parties used to believe is in some