Are you referring to Beloved Character Actress Margo Martindale?
Are you referring to Beloved Character Actress Margo Martindale?
Father Ted was a show about Ireland, with almost 100% Irish actors and creators, made by British television. Because Irish tv wouldnt make it.
The thing about NBC is, they always try to walk it in.
I’m worried this pilot is going to be so bad, after watching we’ll all be disappointedly asking each other :
Yep, it was made into a very lovely short by Disney back in the late ‘30s. But that wouldn’t be sufficient enough for today’s audiences who demand that what is basically a 10-minute story be padded out with 85 minutes of pop culture references and poop jokes.
I know you are joking....but I don’t know that isn’t what actually happened.
I’m sure he’s still looking for his baggage.
Isn’t Ben Carson still lazing about in his hammock over at Housing and Urban Development?
“pressed my tits into him, and straddled his leg” doesn’t even remotely read like she was just standing there and happened to enjoy the situation. Men use that “well it’s just so packed, my hand was on your ass because it couldn’t go anywhere else” excuse on crowded subways all the time and it’s transparent bullshit.…
Like that matters... you’re already halfway down the page because Kinja.
He’s trying to use his position again to get someone fired. That’s not legal, but what does it matter, no one will do a damn thing about it.
Dave Weigel is a good reporter. Back in his Slate days, when he did more pundit-type stuff, he made it pretty clear he was more libertarian than liberal. He tweeted something from his personal account, realized it was incorrect, deleted it, and apologized. Which is a much, MUCH higher standard than Trump holds himself…
Yes, our new corporate masters love these anti-corporate FOCs. The bread and butter of any good sell-out machine.
And apparently evangelical Christians need Jerusalem to be the capital to help speed up end times and Jesus’ second coming. Like no joke, that’s part of their reasoning, fucking eschatology.
For the same reason this “billionaire” scotch-tapes his tie down instead of buying a tie tack.
It’s like a toddler driving or a monkey with a machine gun, though. You’re not worried because you really believe he’s a badass; it’s because each of this moron’s tantrums now constitute a geopolitical crisis.
Most of the words he speaks in public are lies, willful ignorance, hypocritical insults, bigotry, or a combination of the four. I would call that a pretty serious speaking problem.
Maybe it was something completely harmless like a stroke. We can learn to laugh again.