
Bencic is not fondue this blog & these comments

she’ll be rouxing all of the missed chances

she’ll be rouxing all of the missed chances

Listen up, America - this statement:

I’m a Bears fan, I only drafted kickers

“Wow! That’s all I ever wanted!” -The Go-Go’s

Pitcher: “Your frequent replacement of perfectly fine baseballs is excessive.

Umpire: “What? Why wouldn’t the Freemasons find Spaceballs impressive?

[...mutual confused silence...]

Pitcher, Umpire, Batter, and Catcher together: “Bill Pullman sucks.

The flimsy pieces of crap are Bret Stephens.

joe west, who’s name doesn’t warrant capitalization, sucks forever ass.


How much money did this guy lose by not signing with a major brand like Nike or Adidas? His Dad may have helped get him to the NBA but he really screwed him with this whole Big Baller Brand fiasco.

How and why didn’t the Lakers stop him from wearing these shoes? He played a total of 99 games his first two season as a result of multiple ankle and knee injuries. It’s difficult not to believe the shoes may have contributed to the injuries. Lakers are an absolute shit show of an organization. 

Sounds more like he was Voluntold to leave.

As a lifelong Mets fan (and thus masochist), David Roth suicide watchman, and fellow high ledge looker, this is the correct take. Mickey made the right moves, he’d be crushed no matter what he does, and unfortunately, every single thing he does, by the book or by his gut, turns to poop. I’ve never seen anything like

People are blaming Mickey for this, but I suspect its just a culmination of his past gaffes—-after all, the Mets have but ONE trustworthy reliever (which Mickey already used and is quite frankly, running into the ground) and their now ridiculously overpaid closer is practically useless.

Don Draper was only 99% right: the universe is indifferent to almost everything, but it actively despises the Mets and their fans.

Be like Gallant:

The most hilarious concert I ever went to was headlined by Too Short. Short stood just off stage on the side where you couldn’t see him from the crowd (I was back stage because I was interning for the radio station that sponsored the concert while I was in college) and did the actual rapping, but he had a hype man on

What’s even better is those rappers usually go out in groups for the tours- I saw Too Short, Paperboy, Genuine and a couple others for $10 at a local bar.

One of the only benefits of getting old as a fan of ‘80s/‘90s hip-hop is getting to see your favorite childhood rappers for like $15 at shitty little clubs. I’m going to watch KRS-One in a few weeks at a place that only holds a couple hundred people. There will probably be 30 of us there and we’ll all be cranky