
Military voting, however, isn’t all that high. Only about 1/3 of the absentee ballots sent to military were cast or counted. With 75% living away from their home location and with the apathy of youth and the unpredictability of life in the military, it’s really hard for them to vote consistently.

Germán (pronounced “Herman”) is a pretty common Spanish name, both as a first and last name. 

If the sources had been named, his supporters would label them as “disgruntled former staffers.” Doesn’t matter if they are named or not. 

Thoughts and prayers, dude. Thoughts and prayers. 

“I don’t like anything he says or does or how he acts, but abortion...”

He’s doing and saying the things they wish they could. 

Well, if the Kremlin thinks he’s outlived his usefulness, he might not want to drink the tea. 

And if you are gonna badmouth the troops, might as well shutter Stars & Stripes so they can’t read about it.

That’s why “died in childbirth” isn’t a phrase that entered the vernacular.

“See, we told you there was voter fraud!”

Everyone who submitted a ballot by mail and then goes to the poll to doublecheck, gets to stand together in a very tight line in a very small room where masks aren’t allowed and the poll workers will find out if their ballot came in already ... as soon as they get the time to check. 

I was rooting for one that featured the surrounding Southern states’ unofficial motto:

How appropriate that the pictured flag is ripped. 

But without that, how will they know who to trust? 

Hey, hey, that’s not fair. You should know better.

The chief took the video to be viewed by a drunk guy wearing a “Female Body Inspector” t-shirt. The FBI dude said it was okay.

CYA is a powerful impulse. 

I’m not sure either scenario makes him look that clever. 

The old “don’t quit your job until you have another one lined up” shtick.

It only killed him once. That’s not that deadly.