
I’m in Mass. as well and the bar code is different for deposit states (I don’t think it’s a sophisticated system that differentiates by state). I have recycled cans that had the etching on the top, but the bar code was wrong, so the machines rejected them and I had to get a manual refund.

One of my college roommates was one of 9 and he was the youngest. He was younger than his nephew.

In an election, it doesn’t matter who votes. It matters who counts the votes. 

I’m sure he will immediately declare open his re-election campaign because he has found out how sweet that campaign money is.

If he loses in Nov. & refuses to vacate the WH in January, that’s the easiest piece. All the people serving the POTUS leave the WH and go to wherever the new POTUS is. All the communication into the WH is blocked and only a token security force is left behind. The nuclear football goes to the new POTUS and the old guy

The German version will be Ich-ish.

RNA: Wondering how his brother DNA gets all the attention now. 

Though I never understood why Congress then went and made him an “honorary American citizen.”

In Fulton, Missouri, where he made the famous “Iron Curtain” speech:

I am amused when Casey Short and Allie Long play in the backline for the USWNT. Short to Long and back to Short. Short-Long-Short-Dunn-Long. 

I don’t live in Michigan, but cans in returnable states have different bar codes than nonreturnable states. In my area, you’ll see etching on the top of a returnable can with the various states/values, but not on a nonreturnable can. Almost all our cans go through a sorting machine. 

That was my thought. Funny that the article didn’t tackle the cause. 

And later be renamed the “Red-Whites.”

Dan Snyder and Coach Rivera?

Washington Rough Riders

Nah, she’s just thinking like a cop.

Satan-worshipping child molesters fighting against him

He’s gonna ask for his money back!

I assume Russian prostitutes.