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We all know the really progressive Golden Girls action happened in the spin-off The Golden Palace:

Now with 100% less racism!

Expecting the Washington ownership to wait a few months and issue a memo that says:

If anyone should know how to do a mea culpa, it should be a Catholic priest.

Yes. Using words the opposite of their meaning renders them useless, like “literally.” Taking “unique” to mean both one of a kind and sorta unusual limits its usefulness.

So, like the American President, she doesn’t read. 

He was afraid for his life.

Hoping that Phoebe Fox returns. Gotta love a sassy attendant to the queen.

Gonna be interesting finding an impartial jury on these charges. 

I’m sure the crime of “being uppity” is still on the books in Alabama. 

Reynolds has previously indicated she would sign the order but not until the end of summer or early fall.

“This is why you people get shot.”

Cue Paul Robeson singing Let My People Go.

Maggie? Wait a second, that’s my older sister’s name...

A great story (thread):

Speaking about those about to lose their job:

True, that is not a federally funded Jesus statue. There shouldn’t be that many of those.

50 years after I first saw it, I can still remember all the lyrics!!!

He taped a “Get out the vote” message back in 2018 that included his hope to be around and vote the Great Pumpkin out of office.

When he created the show, he was cast as the lead. Fortunately, they didn’t get picked up and they found DvD for the 2nd pilot.