This was before there was any official estimate. That early, it was basically back-of-the-napkin calculations: 50,000 people worked in the towers, they had roughly an hour to evacuate, etc.
This was before there was any official estimate. That early, it was basically back-of-the-napkin calculations: 50,000 people worked in the towers, they had roughly an hour to evacuate, etc.
The bottom of a regulation backboard is between 9'3" - 9'6" ... not 8'
Isn't 2.43 meters just under 8 feet?
Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with people. And don't try to claim that all sports do this. I was a recruited college athlete at a D1 school, during New Student Orientation all the freshmen were informed to show up to the team house at 8pm that night, we were sure we were going to get hazed. When we got there…
There was also a version where a pie chart was used, but it didn't last long.
Why didn't she start working at home for Google? I heard some guys, sisters, mothers, uncle, twice removed is makeing $6K a month now!
Hey look everyone! A real-life idiot!
12% battery?! What are you Phillip, some kind of stark raving lunatic?!?!?!
Yes, the 'entitled' one is the poorly-paid lower-level food service worker, not the multimillionaire who leaves shitty tips. Good call.
Welcome to Kinja, LeSean.
Their earlier tweets are pretty corny and tone-deaf. But, to be fair, they say that delivery is 90% of comedy, and DiGiorno doesn't do delivery.
Wow, so many apologies in a row; it's like he's in the Cal-zone!
Nope. If you asked an average Bostonian which race was best, they'd reply, "The white one."
that's the second Rogue of the year, right? Someone scored one last week.
kid's gonna be knee deep in pussy tonight
Did they change the format? Are we playing all these teams in succession, Mortal Kombat style?
So, let me get this straight... He says we can't win a World Cup and gets shit all over for his bad attitude. Then he says he thinks a semi-final is attainable and is called insane? Okay. Got it.
The US really needs to rethink having Klinsmann as the coach, because Germans clearly don't know how to win it all in Russia.
Well someone had to take Heath Ledger's place in the sequel.
Julian Green doesn't deserve to be mentioned alongside Falcao and Chicharito? Cmon Deadspin, your Eurosnobbery is becoming more ridiculous by the day. What's next, Landon Donovan wasn't on the same level as Pele?