

If it's so damn important, do it yourself.

I can tell you what ASL is - American Sign Language

Why does this comment exist? Why are we even walking this earth, given that we're fated to die from birth? Who am I? What's happening?

It's obviously a part of their heterosexual agenda. We never would have heard about this had he been gay.

I hella feels ya bruh

What do you mean 'you people'?

Nope. We're better than you.

Would you say you're a thorough reader? Do you pay attention to details? Or would you say you're more the type to "go with it" when inspiration strikes and figure out the details later?

She's claiming it's not her fault. Sorry, it may not be fair, but when you're in charge, the buck stops with you. It's Obama's fault.

This is not what they mean when they talk about working your way up through the minors.

"I just went to Bangor" turned out to not be a great alibi

I have no comment on this matter.

For clarification, we were like six years old! Just so everybody knows that.

Hey, you do what you have to do if you wanna pledge at CTE.

I guess with a hairline like that you take all the caps you can get.


I didn't catch anything in the story that said the nephew lived there. The cousin did. And it's an apartment, so it's possible that none of the family had lived there long (people don't tend to stay in apartments for years).
Also, 70% of black kids can't swim, so I think it's less of a leap than being surprised.

Because it says he's a nephew of that guy in the picture.