
Limited amounts of food? They are living on canned food (though they seem to have stretched the shelf life of things like Cheetos). A single grocery store could take care of one person for a very long time.

Well, they also said that canned food would go bad and then realized (not mentioned on the show) that wasn't really the case.

True, but there's a risk in every trip. As Gail's getting trapped showed, you can't rely on the presence of others to help you as you would in life "before." Having a mechanical problem 50 miles from any civilization could be a problem. The more they use older vehicles that haven't been maintained and fill them with

Hell is misusing proper nomenclature.

That's why I'm surprised it was only 13 episodes and then the big reveal. You usually want to cover as much ground as possible before changing the game. And it will be tough in Season 2 to keep it fresh.

So what does it take to be a Bad Place employee? Be the "best" of the Bad Place residents? The "worst"?

While the pay isn't that good (more like $15 an hour for most), it does work in similar ways at Harvard. In fact, the Psych Dept. puts out a sign asking for walk-ins. The homeless guys in Harvard Sq. don't seem to show up often, though I'm sure they know about the set-up.

Only a handful of US states are 18. The majority are 16 or 17. 18 is, of course, the universal safe zone.