
“white male Hillary-haters in the media”

Uhhhh, I’m a woman and I think this is all pretty dumb and poorly done.

Peter Daou is a goddamn Sith Lord of Bullshit. It’s his job, it’s his fucking vocation. The fact that he can somehow still get funding for yet another bullshit enterprise (how are things at Correct the Record or ShareBlue going these days?) says nothing good about anyone involved, especially the institutional donor

“...Verrit’s stated mission is to become a ‘trusted source of political information and analysis,’...”

It’s a service that screams “please hack me” like no other before.

“media platform for the 65.8 million”

Now you know the next place that all the Reddit and 4chan trolls are going to set up shop.

I just threw up in my mouth...a lot.

Two elections proved America doesn’t want you Hillary, go bury your head in the sand and please stay there. That’s coming from someone who swore out loud as they checked your name in the voters booth.