Sounds like the other guy didn’t have a problem keeping it at 1 run. Maybe be more like him?
Sounds like the other guy didn’t have a problem keeping it at 1 run. Maybe be more like him?
Do you know a lot of 13-16 year olds with the confidence and self-assurance to do something like that? Don’t be dense.
I’m well aware of the Smart Cities grant the city secured, and our plan for what to do with it. But it doesn’t include light rail, or even a street car system. Dedicated bus lanes are good, and I hope they open up the city to underserved areas, particularly Lindon, which has the highest infant mortality rate in the…
Columbus resident here and season ticket holder for various seasons.
Columbus resident here. I say let them leave. Fuck publicly financing a downtown stadium. There aren’t that many people who live in downtown Columbus, and our city’s public transit system is shit, so most people are still gonna have to drive to games anyway. The city is already starting to deal with blowback from…
“You don’t make wholesale changes based on the ball being 2 inches wide or 2 inches in,
you make those changes on the basis that made a difference.
Lifetime Columbus, Ohio resident/Buckeye fan and I just stopped by to say no one here likes him either. A radio host made a joke on twitter about him and he cried so hard they fired they guy. Then Herbie moved out of Columbus saying that the fans here sucked.
Swansea is the Central Mass of Eastern Mass.
“At least one of their players showed proper respect for the fla- wait, what’s his name again? Oh. Yeah, deport that asshole.”
it’s an unpopular take because it is a very stupid take.
actual teams, like the Cleveland Browns
“I don’t see why not.”
Their forward line is legendary, but their goalie is the tits.
Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.
I forget, which of the men on Mount Rushmore created a separate country and fought a war against the United States government?
Listen, you unamerican scumbag, I won’t let you sully this here comment section with that kind of drivel!
Fuck ESPN. Clayton is great - a knowledgeable yet common man with the ability to laugh at himself.
Easy: they didn’t want the Raiders to be undefeated.