
Jesus Christ, Blizzard gets slammed with a DDOS large enough to take down their services in multiple regions and recovers by morning. Blizzard is amazing, guys.

“See, I know I SAID I was a nice guy, but then I raped you. Just miscommunication. My bad.” Then they all laugh it off. Oh boys will be boys.

Fuck you. Why do you get to decide what it means to be professional? There is nothing dirty or unsanitary about body hair or tattoos, you are a judgemental asshole. Do you recognize how insulting it is to say something like “looking respectable”? Since when does a person’s value and worthiness of respect dependent on

In case no one else provides this Info, for some types of business, doing any business with an individual or business on that list can result in fines or legal action by the US government. It is mandatory to comply with foreign trade laws for all businesses which practice and sell in the us. This is also the law in