
I don’t know, but you need a little money to obliterate some gelato

Never forget that anything HamNo writes is 100 percent worthless

A Deadspin reader advocating soccer over football? How shocking.

He was brutal dictator. That’s a fact. And these “reactionary” Cubans are the people who suffered under Castro directly.

Probably (2) until (1) happens and perception changes. I personally think people are overreacting about the risks of CTE from playing football for the youth / HS player.

Barry Petchesky Writes Some Dumb Shit in Yet Another Completely Predictable Article

The goal of terrorists isn’t to create fear, it’s to kill non-believers.

They are byproducts of allowing Islamic immigrants into the Western world.

Only if you’re a lefty cuck. For the rest of us, it’s the best thing on television