
Thanks for this, it really needed to be said. I hope Riot notices it.

You forgot to mention that statements in the pre-game and post-game are non-reportable. People can be as toxic as they want without any fear of repercussions during that time.

LOL, DotA and Eve Online all have several things in common to me: they all have very loyal fanbases, they all have real-money components, they are all very unfriendly to casual or new players and they all have incredibly toxic environments that their core players continue to assure others are NOT toxic...but

Good golly. I don't know about anybody else, but not a single thing I've ever heard about MOBAs sounds fun. They sound challenging, sure, and like there's a sense of reward for enduring long enough to become something like "good," and then surviving long enough after that to thrive - but that isn't the same as being

ah, level 17... The days before runes... I remember a game a couple years ago when I was playing a bot match. I was level 30 at the time, but only recently so. Someone on my team who was level 8 tried to make the argument I wasn't a noob simply because I had flash. You think that you get to 30 and you're basically

For someone who does not play this game that often I can say I get overwhelmed by how players are in game. Just the picture above with people listing their positions caught people off guard when I entered wanting to play a top position when everyone else was thinking I would be playing bottom. They started saying

Alright to all you MOBA newcomers or about to be. dont shove off a friend or someone of a higher rank/skill tier who is trying to help you learn the game, watching streams and youtube guides DOES help you, if you are curious about whether one thing affects another VISIT the wikia, it will 90% of the time explain

Pretty much this. You can look at any game of league and analyze without assigning blame at all. A good way to do this is to look at your games in third person.

"The game being competitive makes the game fun, but that will always come at a cost."

You pretty much got it right. Most people are good people. They occasionally lash out, but don't ever have to be punished, hence Riot's statistic of 95% never being punished. Several notes though:

Comebacks are definitely possible, they're just tough because you're working against two big things:

It bothers me when teammates in League refuse to type out, "GG" after a game. Or worse, they say, "bad game" or, "no". I feel like these teammates don't really understand what GG means.