Here’a tip. Don’t buy one.
Here’a tip. Don’t buy one.
Its like seeing Darth Vader with his helmet off. I can’t focus on anything but his face.
it may look a bmw but wont drive like one.
i glanced at both photos and thought it was the same car.
Looks very 3 series on the inside.
I could live out the host shouting at us like John Davis does. Also, the over factual information about the amount of oil barrels used per year is pointless.
Anything with this badge on it. I was at a Chevy sponsored Rev It Up years ago and drove everything they had with the SS badge. Great in a straight line but doesn’t work on anything with curves. Everything had way too much roll and bad brakes. Why would anyone think adding more power to a rubbish car would be a good…
This ard tard has done this before. That hack job is way to precise for a novice. Audi’s stay away!
Why not? RWD makes it easier to put it in a ditch.
CNN is only doing it for ratings. Remember their numbers were in the toilet before Trump. Same goes for MSNBC, there numbers were even worse. However, MSNBC’s agenda is motivated strictly towards making the Republican party look like a bunch of wackos while praising the other side. Fox News was and still is the…
It’s John Voight’s car!
Looks like an amalgamation of almost every brand out there. The mama Hyundai must be so proud.
My LR3 is also in love with its mechanic, unfortunately that mechanic doesn’t wear a blue carmax shirt.
I think horsepower lowers IQ points.
Let my diesels go.
The car is more Memphis than Milan.
I hope we run out of oil soon so these asshats have to drive a Leaf.
Is that the first new Z06 to crash before it leaves the showroom?
This, because people can see you.