
As usual, there is nothing more hateful to True Believers than apostates.

*facepalm* The point is that there are different tools for different jobs. In the auto world, there is no one vehicle that will fit every function, period. Just because a given vehicle does not fit some task that you see as needed does not somehow mean it is a bad vehicle for everyone.

“Why should I buy a second car for long journeys when I can just buy a single normal car that does everything?”

I can understand the irritation, but I guess it seems misplaced here specifically. This article did not seem to be continuing the hate or spite. It was a puff piece, largely useless, not pointing at anything along the liberal/conservative divide and, if anything, had a self-deprecating feel. I did not get smug

You couched your point in “Midwesterners = tough” and “Wherever author is from = weak” so that was what I replied to. She’s clueless. That has nothing to do with where she is from. Well, not terribly much. Okay, some, but you get the point that clueless people are everywhere, including the midwest.

I was so very confused when I saw the quote in my inbox. Makes more sense in context. Good show.

Crosby is an artist. Penguins fans (and I’m one) don’t like artists unless they’re named Lemieux and even then it’s only grudgingly.

And those self-same hearty people from the midwest get shitbrained terrified when they visit here in the summer and a hurricane rolls in. Personally, a blizzard like that sounds awful, but a hurricane? Nah, not so much to me. But both blizzards and hurricanes kill people, even those hearty midwesterners. Just because

It’s stupid fun. My motorcycling buddies still don’t really get my love for dual-sports and dirt bikes. I don’t really know how to explain it other than they’re just more fun than cruisers and shit. Especially cruisers, wow. Light, twitchy steering that reads your mind, go anywhere ability. It makes pure street bikes

This surprises me not in the least. If anything, it’s a bit shocking that it’s not more expensive.

Buddy of mine rides an 01 suzuki intruder 800. Not a bad cruiser, honestly. Well, about six months ago, a lady that sold him another bike mentioned she had the same bike in pieces in her garage. It was hers, she wrecked it, they tore it down for a “full resto” and, as usual, motivation wandered. Turned out to be the

When that brouhaha happened over the rebel flag many people I knew were bemoaning all the blatant racism. I told them it was a good thing, and that they should grab a notebook and start jotting down names. It isn’t often that the cockroaches come out into the light, so you better identify them when they do.

Thank you. I was planning to reply in this vein. Not that I am a VW guy, mnind you, but am a volvo guy and the volvo enthusiast community is very territorial in regards to RWD/FWD. I am something of a weirdo in that I own and drive both (though I won’t even touch that P2 nonsense. Those guys are pariahs *cough* ). As

So weird.

As a dedicated cruiser-hater, I am shocked to agree. That bike, out of all of them, is the one I have the most burning want for.

I was about to make a post saying that I’d been with progressive for 151 years and never been optimized. My policy actually went *down* this year, and that was with one at-fault motorcycle claim (buddy dropped my bike) and two not-at-fault losses. Good show, Progressive.

I failed it. I got cocky on that final sweeping turn at speed and crossed the line on the *inside*. Because dumbass. The instructor apologized as he told me I failed as I was one of those middle-aged dudes returning to riding after a decade or two away and was one of the best riders in the class as a result. Had to go

You are dead right. I mean, sure, she was white hot in RotJ, no question, but it is her personality, style, and wit that truly makes her so captivating.

I immediately thought of this story.

Start with the MSF course. It’s zero commitment long term. Come home saturday jazzed and tell her how awesome it is and how you’re learning to ride safely. Shop online for helmet, armor, etc. Make very clear that you’re going about it in a rational manner, and look for a non-scary starter bike. Maybe give her some