
I’d love a middleweight scrambler on american soil. Unfortunately, they forgot to make it meaningfully lighter...

Sadly, byt the time I talk to them, it is generally far too late to tell them that they bought too little coverage. I do, but it does them no good for the loss I am dealing with at that time.


Honestly, car insurance isn’t treated like it should be. Policy minimums have stayed the same for quite a long while here in Virginia, and they are pathetically low. Minimum liability policies carry $20k for PD coverage on cars you hit. How many new cars can be replaced with $20k currently? But recovery is an even

“What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?”

That would still merit recovery, or at least a recovery attempt. And, honestly, I have never dealt with a claim on a properly well-covered boat in regards to a total loss. But I’m not primarily a boat guy (thankfully, boat claims suck). I’m a heavy equipment and car guy that does a bit a of everything else (boats,

I actually put no onus on the sellers, but I don’t put it all on the owners. Their insurance agents are the ones who have fallen down on the job. The average person is quite capable of educating themselves on the car/boat/whatever purchase, but insurance is an arcane thing. The agent should be the one explaining what

I can’t imagine that. Wow. I hope it’s crazy cheap, unless you live in an area where there are lots of supercars...

Text is a poor medium for expressing my reaction to that bill. I would definitely suggest more coverage than you think you need, ESPECIALLY for towing and recovery. In almost twenty years, I’ve never once dealt with a boat claim that involved recovery where the owner had adequate coverage. They’re usually much more

I’ve been reading through and liking the occasional post but this is the one that really made me want to comment. My girlfriend, the love of my life, has rapid cycling bipolar personality disorder, OCD, anxiety issues, and a handful of other minor things. I don’t talk about it all that much simply because she takes

So, as the username reads, I’m an adjuster. Just handled part of a marina fire, specifically a couple of the boats involved. Pretty sad to see normal policies for normal, older boats that only include $7-10k coverage in recovery and clean-up, and the actual bill per boat was almost $80k. Yep, the owner is on the hook

My first job out of college was selling cars, and we got a cherry ‘91 CRX Si in on trade. This would’ve been 1998, so not a new car, but not ancient. I was smitten by it and knew that my mom was looking for a small car for herself. Mom, at the time, hated automatics and liked fun cars, so she came in and got it at

I would like to see this modification.

I am pleased to see volvo fairly far down on that list, and utterly unsurprised to see VW on top by a mile.

No worries. When I said that, I was not trying to play the expert card. I am stating the depths of my bewilderment and horror. And, honestly, I am glad that I’ve never heard of this before now *shudder*

I am boggled to hear this. I’ve spent nearly 30 years here in SE VA and never once heard of this.

Must be.

My rather frightening aunt always used to say “Come over here and give me some sugar,” in her very western NC accent when I was a kid. So she was overlaid on top of the image of the attractive women largely naked in bed saying the same thing.

I type this from southern Virginia. My father was born and raised in western North Carolina, and I spent many summers of my youth there. We were stationed in numerous southern states during my father’s military service.

Duke’s is about the only store-bought mayo that is edible.