
Do we really want to go down this road? I ask that because you typed that post on some sort of computer or mobile device, and I would lay serious money that it has a pile of Chinese-made components, if not flat being made in China. If you're gonna go this way, own it. Do your research and give up on all products with

This. Logging always seems to happen under terrible conditions and tends to be hard on the equipment like nothing else. Every time I have to go out and write something like this (usually because it got wood debris int he wrong place and caught fire), I just tell the company to have someone pick me up in whatever

I was talking about video games with my girlfriend (whose breasts have completely realistic physics applied), and I brought up DOA. Like this article, my problem was not with the sexualized image, or at least not a major problem. It was with the distinctly prurient focus on said sexualized images. When you can hit a

Normally, I get very twitchy and irritated when people whinge about frame damage like it is some sort of death knell for a car. I especially get that twitch at the outside of my left eye when people use the phrase "frame damage" to refer to anything related to a unibody car. Given the technology used in modern shops

A somewhat comparably equipped F-150 breaches $50k, so I really don't think the $48k price tag on this thing is as insane as some people seem to think. As you said, Volvo is an upmarket brand. I may not buy one, but I don't think the price is as goofy as some people seem to think it is.

Not mad, confused by the wording there. Theory implies an educated guess. I didn't make one. I made a statement of opinion. And no need to win. This is the internet.

*blink* They have kei trucks. I...

I'm theorizing? What is my theory? I missed that. I just mentioned that volvo has a long history with turbos and were a pretty good candidate for this, so what am I theorizing?

And, no, scary race car numbers would be Nissan's 400bhp 1.5l 3cyl that weighs 88kg. That's racecar numbers. Ford's ecoboost 2.3l 4cyl (NOT a

Volvo has been playing with forced induction via turbos for a long, long time. If anyone can do this reliably at this point, Volvo is a pretty good candidate. Or at least as reliably as these things go these days, which means not a patch on the 27 year old redblock in my 245. But my redblock doesn't produce 350+ hp,

Or an F-150.

760's frequently came equipped with 4-cyl's. 780's did too. Before that, there were GLT 240's that had the PRV. I think the 100 series was the last time they were strict on numbering/naming, and that ended in the mid-70's.

Meh. I bought a 26 year old 240 volvo wagon after five minutes of looking at it and driving it around a parking lot. It's 27 years old now and all I've done is change the oil and replaced the distributor cap (it started slow during heavy rain and the cap and rotor were less than $10). No payments. Car was less than a

He might not have reported the claim yet. If no claim was made, there's no fraud yet.

Doesn't matter if there are witnesses. It's legal precedent that has bupkis to do with the insurance company. What you did resulted in damage to your vehicle. If no one else forcibly modified your path, you drove your vehicle off the road. The simple fact is that the courts support this on the regular, and, as stated,

Not in the slightest. No one hit you or otherwise forcibly modified the path of your vehicle. You drove it off the road and failed to control the vehicle in a safe manner.

THIS. I tell people this constantly. Hit. The. Deer.

The dealership likely charged the equivalent of an hour's labor as diagnosis fee. In that time, a tech simply cannot pull the battery pack and perform this level of diagnostic. And owners are generally unwilling to pay an open ended fee for the dealership to chase electrical faults for hours on end (and it can take

This. No idea how effective it is or not, but it is a thing that gets done sometimes.

In that era, they used the same basic keys for virtually everything. Locksmiths could buy "try-it" sets of all the basic key shapes. It was still faster ti use the right slim-jim style tool to pop the lock, but some were a paint in the butt to jimmy so try-it keys were a good idea.

This makes sense. Aside from GM having six key blanks that they rotated, those old cylinders were pretty crappy. Theirs were probably more lose than yours, which is why your similar key worked on theirs, but theirs wouldn't work on yours.

And, I totally agree. They didn't change much at all. Modern cars with the same