
How’s that?

Thanks, man. Appreciate it. Fingers crossed.

I think the vote is already up to 175....pretty sure the House votes on articles.

Please don’t do this to me. Just give me this one day.

So here’s what concerns me, because I presume it’ll be twisted by the GOP and its supporters:

With you in general, but I do think we see some version of a transcript tomorrow. Trump is trying to get out ahead of this Ukraine thing and quash it because he’s seeing how well it’s playing.

I’m reading it from too many credible sources. I’m fairly certain we’ll hear the announcement today. So I’ll let myself be amped.

That’s what I meant to say/type. Thanks for writing it more succinctly and clearly.

The whistleblower’s lawyer reached out to Schiff today and said he/she wants to testify.

Eh. The problem is that it’s one call. Or part of one call. What should happen, by law, is the full whistleblower complaint being submitted to Congress (which Trump is stopping from happening).

To borrow wrestling parlance: I’m marking out.

I knew from his scenes in Dead Presidents that he was a couple sandwiches short of a picnic.

I literally didn’t realize I was claustrophobic until reading your post just now.

Trump has some obvious tells. This is the same as his “you’ll see my taxes once the audit is over” and the “I would love to sit down with Mueller for an interview” lies. He has no intention of ever releasing the call transcript. But if it ever did happen, it would be highly edited/redacted and otherwise altered down

What is the actual illegal criminal charge for Trump’s actions here? I read Renato Mariotti saying essentially that bribery and extortion statues wouldn’t hold up for various reasons. I also read that it may fall under the federal campaign finance law statute, but not necessarily.

The one that Trump has stacked with two (potentially three) justices since he took office?

Soldiers are going to drag him out of the White House? Really?

Damn you. Beat me to the “Dukes of Hazzard” reference.

Who? Never even heard of her. Stopped following anything the press secretary had to say a long time ago, after realizing they’re not even pretending to provide journalists with information. My take is essentially the same as on here: don’t feed the trolls.