
Tell that to my 2 year old...

Parents, secure the dresser, but it’s probably not a good idea to use bolts. Bolts will likely not do you much good to the wall. A lag bolt, maybe, but that’s overkill. Use screws. They’re pointy, with wider threads, and they penetrate and secure into blind materials, vs bolts which need a threaded hole, or a nut

You are sadistic....

“Automakers were initially worried the storm would dampen car sales.”

“We don’t brand them with scarlet letters and cast them out of society.”

Good lord, $kay....

This has nothing to do with the R53. What is that all about?

What you did there, logically, I see it.

Service cost, not maintenance costs, which would include fuel. That’s why they mentioned charging for basically nothing.

Awkward engineer high five!

That’s pretty amazing.

Did you order a mattress?

Did you order a mattress?

Yeah! Especially when it’s wearing hats that is making you bald!

Huh! Cool!

So basically it’s an alcoholics Benihana?

How does the Lancehead compare to the Deathadder?

Right?! Spoiler alert, you can order 12 lbs of luxardo cherries on Amazon, stick them in canning jars, and have cherries for all time.

Nice! Thanks!

And now you should share this is vid/gif form!

Holy crap, Mike! Those are very pretty! Can I review them when you’re done with them?