Sadly, they still don’t help said car produce glorious racecar noise....
Sadly, they still don’t help said car produce glorious racecar noise....
Back in my day, we didn’t need any of those face smashing shrapnel machines, and we lived to tell about it. also, get those kids off my lawn.
Buy racecar, paint it, drive it on the street....profit.
I’ve never understood the term “rotate the tires”. I mean, when you move them, they aren’t really rotating around the car. It’s all straight lines to the destination. Probably some democrat came up with that....
True, but I was really just thinking of power delivery. FWD is known universally for not liking a lot of power. Just physics, weight transfer, and the like. It’ll work, but AWD and RWD are better for putting power down. I was just asking, because I assume being turbo it will (eventually) have the torques to really…
There is never a time when this answer is wrong.
True. That was the Supercharged era, so it was all like WTF is lag?
Doesn’t matter to me, I wouldn’t buy either brand personally.
I had an R53 MINI that could spin the wheels with a lot less power, so that’s the reference I have I suppose.
I worry more about the tires than the drivetrain with that much power and FWD.
Needs AWD. Is it AWD? Does Hoonda do AWD? Basically, force Subaru to get back on the hatchwagon.
I have a new goal in life....
Camera still not as good as a three year old Lumia? Huh.
I was an eve player for a really long time. I stopped, not because I didn’t love it, I really did, and still do, but I wasn’t able to play as much and couldn’t justify the cost. This will likely get me back in for flying some missions, and playing around with the new ships since I was last in, new mechanics, and such,…
$1300!? That’s crazy! I wish my tires only cost $1300!
NP, Because Corvette, Because Racecar.
Yes. Did not read the whole thing. Shut up. Yes.
I still get wrecked by good bastion players...
Came for $kayreply, was not disappointed...