
I love your face right now for this.

Aw hell, Torch is dividing by zero again. Everyone to your singularity shelters!

I’m currently struggling with this in a big way. I got married late (33) and we both had 30+ years of life gathered. Individually, neither of us was overly hoarder-like in our collections, but together something happened. “Stuff” doubled. We managed to pare down significantly as it was, but something (perhaps worse?)

Lols for days.


I grew up in SoCal/MidCal, been to all 50 states, lived in 10 states, and have ended up in Dayton. So far it’s my favorite place I’ve lived, with the exception of the San Diego I remember, but that was before it became a dry desiccated husk of a city...

The new Rogue is so so ugly....


Ducking word to your mother, my brother!

Hey guys! Guys! GUUUYYYYSSSS!!!!!

This. I would buy this. Why can't I have this?

1 TQ/10 lbs. 2000 lbs car? 200 TQ! 3000 lbs car? 300 TQ!

It looks like so much fun. I had a NA Miata for a few weeks once. I’ve 6’4”, so it was a tight fit. The top did not go up much. Interested to see if I fit better in this new one.

This is pretty much very true. Also true, and to the point of the article, the bones are shorter in shorter people, so if they gain the same muscle mass, it’s going to stick out further. The metric to measure is not size, but strength, which could be equal in a tall skinny cut guy and a short ripped muscled guy.

I don’t think there’s anything more right in the world than that.

I hear a Jalop Challenge and a future video in there somewhere...

I really really wanted to nerd out on you here. I've kept it in check...

Because Racecar likes it. You know, because racecar.

Then you proceed to pay a Mustang GT's purchase price in insurance every year?

This has gained all the LOLS for the day. Seriously!