
Sad, but true. And even when we get a wagon, it's not a real wagon. Take the Golf Sportwagen, for instance. I do not consider the back seat in that thing to be worthy of being a wagon. It's TINY. That car is just a big hatchaback. For shame, VW...

Uber can kiss my lilly white....

I have wanted an Elise/Exige for a very long time. I've so far convinced my better half that when I finally get my PhD in a few years, I could replace my lost Corvette with a Stingray. I may have to rethink and replace Stingray with 4C. It's close, right?

Also, a CR-V is not an SUV. It's a car with a lift kit.

Did you say something to the neighbor about the unnecessary size of the thumbtack they used to pin the note to your Hummer? Because that is definitely blocking traffic...and street vision.

So what you're saying is they made a pre-C7 Corvette....

I can't fathom why this isn't just someone playing out the plot from 2 Fast 2 Furious...

Prepare to see this for 3-10 years at car shows along side many broken promises. Amiright?

There's one here in town. A Manual. and it's red...so there.

Not her...

Doug, I have a Carmax question for you. How shall I proceed to request your excellent, hopefully snarky, response and advice?

Yeah, the 1-2 years old STi was so I could get the hatchback and a 6 speed, which the hatch WRX never offered. If I can get myself away from the hatch, a '15 STi would fit the bill.

we love it. The driving position is awesome, it rides really nice, the ground clearance is great for snow and loading and unloading the kid.

new WRX or STi (1-2 years old maybe? Or new.). Stick. Always a stick

We just got a Crosstrek recently and I'm in the midst of deciding between a WRX or STi.

Yeah, major issues with that here, too.

Win. Stars. Beer.

Travis, this is completely unrelated, but I can't seem to reply to anything that isn't already a kinja comment, and I have no idea why. Also, I want some advice on which WRX to buy, so there's that.

The problem with your scenario is that as soon as he says "It always smells in the bathroom." the bathroom proceeds to explode. Then where will you be when you need to pee. I mean, need to pee next, since the resulting explosion in the bathroom caused an equally violent explosion in your pants. See how this could

I admit to laughing at this response with no shame.