
I admit, I would squeal like a little girl...

Always has been, always will be. If not totally (but almost) trumping in performance, trumping in the much lower cost and ease of repairs, cost of getting more performance, and being American.

One can only hope. Of course, they can go slug it out with the gun nuts, and all get nuked. blowhards...

Ok, so maybe that only works in the US where most people buy auto's...

In that case, sure. But I don't trust either system to do it all alone, so I use both. I practice safe parking!

What? You can't admire a guy for sticking to his guns? You're just persecuting me for my beliefs!


Defeats the purpose of the remote start if it's going to be disabled when the car is parked in gear, which is the right way to park a manual transmission car. Why is it people don't know this? The emergency brake isn't for keeping the car stopped...

Not if they're parked properly, nerd.

Roger that!

I do, because I have more fun with a manual.

I love you, new StingRay. I love you....

Oh you can. But saying automatic transmissions or CVT's are better than manuals is just pure kafka. There's inherently nothing better or worse than either solution, but to say that those who prefer manuals are akin to pre-renaissance man is just...well, stupid. in the same vein as my (I thought) obvious joke about

These sometimes get a pass. Sometimes...

You realize that that is still an automatic transmission, right? silly argument is silly...