Don't you ever confuse Mythbusters with science again. Ever. Serious.
Don't you ever confuse Mythbusters with science again. Ever. Serious.
You know, that is a great point right there!
Yes, great post. I'm serious when I say you should write an article and sent it to all the street race-centric mags. Maybe someone will learn something before they screw up.
More than you have to spend on a 'Vette?
The other reason to start writing letters again: the man can't track it if it's not digital! and they burn, so no records!
I love that song...
you know, no matter how many times I see that it's Lonely Island, I still screw that up. I'm damaged somewhere in there, I think.
I reminded of a certain Lonely Planet song....
No, I didn't! It's been years since I read those, and clearly never got to 6. May have to go back and pick those up again.
I am right there with ya! You are not alone.
Word up, brother.
Right?! That's what I'm saying. Although, as I say that I realize the paradoxical nature of that. Perhaps using social networking to overcome introversion?
I approve of this message. =0)
So here's the thing. I've never grasped the social network...thing. I'm an early 30's, tech savvy, tried and true geek (I'm a physicist, for Feynman's sake!) in almost every sense of the word. I USE my iPad for work, even.
I've always had a softspot of disdain and hatred for the NSX. Granted, it's primarily a sovereign territory within the country of hate and discontent I have reserved for the fast and furious tuner crowd that loves to make very boring cars very ugly and still boring, and think that strapping a turbo to their Civic…
No no, I'm pretty sure that you were targeted specifically. I've seen many targeted troll attacks in my day, and this one is pretty clear cut.
Looks like a Viper, oddly enough...
Paul, did you just get uber trolled by the commenters? I don't disagree with you, but calm down man. Don't blow a gasket, we like you around here too much.
There's no I in vitriol! Wait...
No, that is definitely not where my vitriol (vitrol?!) lies. I wouldn't last 20 minutes in front of a TV camera, and I know it. I just dislike Grant because he's Grant, and a tool.