Randolph Ruiz

Paul's shootout references the world of Los Angeles transportation conspiracy history by being filmed in the long-abandoned subway terminal of the Red Car system. A rail system whose demise was often credited to the machinations of pro-auto corporations (but not Lloyd's Judge Doom).

I do not have confirmation, but given the VERY strong similarities, and my background in architecture and architectural history, you may consider it a very educated guess. I have no doubt. Also, it is not just the Ennis house, but also the Millard, Barnsdale, Freeman, and Storer houses. They make a striking set of

The Tyrell Corporation arcology. It would not surprise me if Margaery's family was named for the creator of the Nexus 6 Replicants.

The design for Meereen is not actually Egyptian. It is based on Frank Lloyd Wright's take on Mayan architecture. The set design is derived from several houses Wright designed in the 1920s in Los Angeles, one of which was used as Deckard's apartment in Blade Runner.