
Provocative. He makes excellent points. Should there be another Thompson... Do not invite him into the circle of legitimacy. At the same time, even though game journalists get to live the gamer's dream (even wearing their pajamas to work and failing to shower on occassion) their standard of journalism needs to be

This will be one of those games you have to move through really slowly, waiting for the next panic moment to lunge at you. I can't wait!

@robinandtami: Different content has different implications to people. Game violence, to me, is pure fantasy... Especially in the Gears of War context (i.e. Locusts). It's no different than reading a book with graphic context in my opinion. However, profanity is something that many parents choose to keep out of their

This really opens up Gears to a larger audience in my opinion. This is something I've been advocating for some time now. Each of us has our own sensitivities, especially when it comes to what we'll play when we have children in our home. I've allowed my older sons to play the campaign, but only with the voice audio

Boy... Nintendo didn't even rush their last-gen console to market! First it was the whole unanticipated Wii-mote damage control and strap iterations. Now, they're basically admitting that their Wii-mote has crap-tastic precision... Something I recognized the first time I played mine. Now it just sits there, basking in

Wow... Something from Jaffe that isn't riddled with profanity. What's gotten into him?

If no laws were violated, doesn't that mean that Christopher Lennertz must not own his work? Does that mean the publisher owns the piece, and that perhaps they granted permission?

Microsoft played it safe at launch, not marrying Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. This was a smart decision at the time. Had they the insight to know Blu-Ray would come out on top, the 360 would have likely favored it from the beginning. Had HD-DVD won the format war, this would have given the 360 additional boost over the PS3, and

I have a sneaky suspicion that the chainsaw dude will be really creapy... Like the chainsaw wielding sack head from the last game. I can't wait! Go Capcom!

This game play video peaks my interest in the game, but more than that it makes we want the new Camaro really badly!

@etchasketchist: Wow... the whole debate really hasn't changed much. Frank Zappa really did a great job. They opposing view could have been represented much better by someone more articulate. I think there's a balance somewhere. As a conservative parent, I don't want my children having open access to all forms of

This guy actually gets paid to make these projections?! I want his job! It all seems pretty common sense to me with a degree of flexibility for the actual projected percentages. Even if his actual percentages are wrong, they follow common sense principal and won't be too far off. Nor would he be accountable should

I appreciate what the ESRB does. I really like the fact that they go as far as to include simplistic descriptions of why a game is rated M too. I just don't understand why so many games with the obligitory sexuality or profanity couldn't drop them out and make them available via DLC? My older kids would have the God

It's nice to see the big three remaining flexible. It will be pretty cool if one console can capture the best features of each. I really hope Microsoft can execute the function of the new remote better than Nintendo has done with theirs. I'm not happy with the inaccuracy of the Wiimote.