You are not. I love it too.
You are not. I love it too.
Does anyone else feel like the whole “Hollywood Handshake” thing diminishes Prue as a judge? It definitely doesn’t feel to me like her opinion is nearly as important as Paul’s, and that doesn’t sit well with me.
I was shocked by that. Even if he didn’t own up to it, it was caught on camera! I still love Jurgen, but that was gross AF.
Citation needed.
Even if the meth or amphetamines caused the miscarriage, convicting her of manslaughter because of her addiction POSSIBLY causing the miscarriage is unconscionable. Guess what: abortion is still legal in Oklahoma. At the worst, she caused her own abortion.
I just came down here to give a shout out to Brendan Hunt’s skills with a hula hoop. As someone who can’t hula hoop to save my life, I was definitely impressed.
Re: streaming shows with Christmas episodes -- does Letterkenny count as a streaming show? It has a really cute Christmas episode in season 5.
I say this as a lifelong fan and as a former Jeopardy! contestant: I won’t be watching.
Did she just spontaneously become pregnant, without having sex with anyone?
I think you’re probably right. I did *not* enjoy LaGanja on season 6, but yeah, I bet Alyssa (<3) advised her to go big, and Ganj just didn’t know how to control herself when the nerves set in. It was lovely to see her calm and in control. All-Stars 7, anyone?
I like it a lot. I agree with everything Simu Liu and Jean Yoon are saying, but it’s still a funny, well-acted show with lovable characters.
For me, the best moment in the episode was during the ball, when Pray was clapping his hands like a little kid at the sheer delight of wondering what was coming next. I’ll probably replay that scene about 1000 times in the future.
Kirby Howell Baptiste is AWESOME, and I think she’ll be wonderful as Death. She has just the right matter-of-fact-cheerful personality for the character. Getting hung up on the color of the comic character’s skin is beyond ridiculous.
It’s really, really good. I’ve only seen the first 4 seasons, but I loved it. I love the characters, I love the setting. It’s funny and, as the AV club said, humane.
One more thing — am I the only one who was surprised that Siobhan’s parents were letting her drive BY HERSELF from Philly to Berkeley? That’s nearly 3,000 miles. There’s no way my parents would have let me drive that on my own, at that age. I guess the show didn’t feel like it was worth getting into, or else it’s now…
Here’s what’s bugging me about the episode. I understand that they needed to smuggle June out, rather than openly extract her. But now that she’s out, couldn’t Canada keep that fact quiet for a few weeks, then have her lie and say that she escaped on her own — thus leaving them able to continue the humanitarian…
Shadowrun! (And yes, I’m aware of, and have played, Shadowrun Returns. I still want a port of the old Sega game.)
Toobin’, definitely! Also -- I know it’s been well surpassed by the Shadowrun Returns games, but Sega Shadowrun.
I’ve never had pain, but I do find that eating fresh pineapple often makes other things I’m eating at the same meal taste funny. I’m guessing bromelain is to blame.
Then you could throw them in the trash. I know it’s gross, but it’s better than causing a sewer blockage.