Randall Stevens

The Revival vs DYI is the greatest tag team match I've ever seen

His title run last year was all about Reigns, though. The only thing Sheamus had to do with it is that he was the guy holding the belt, which seems important, but somehow actually wasn't. He was the fourth or fifth most important person in the storyline after Roman, HHH, Stephanie, and Vince.

It's funny how Digimon World is compared to Pokemon with Digimon World being the bad game, when a new Tetris game includes more updated and original gameplay than Pokemon has ever added in 20 years.

"when the concept for Zootopia—basically just the real world, but with anthropomorphized animals only—was pitched to Lasseter, he was so thrilled that he lifted the idea man, co-director Byron Howard, in the air like Simba in the “Circle Of Life” scene of The Lion King."

well the AV Club does have much less of a white supremacist userbase..

yeah because the vgas are such a mark of quality.

Fact: you can't remove individual songs from your phone with iTunes. Wipe the entire thing or delete them manually one by one on your phone itself. Complete bullshit. And if I'm wrong, PLEASE tell me how I can, because I can't figure it out and have yet to find anyone who can.

well cartoon characters aren't real, and these people unfortunately very much are real

someone willing to go out in public and be the face of gamergate is someone willing to go out in public and defend the people sending the death threats.

maybe it's size is directly proportionate to Finn

The symmetry of Kalo Ren's lightsaber alongside the lead girl's staff is reeeeeeally interesting and definitely deliberate.

usually cena's expression makes it seem like the STF is hurting him more than whoever he's using it on

The Seth/Cena contract signing was the best talking segment I've seen since I started watching at the beginning of the year. Incredible promos from them both.

I really hope the Stephen Amell / Stardust thing ends before Summerslam so we can get a proper 20 minute Stardust / Neville match to steal the entire show at Summerslam.

i LOVE cena and was hoping he'd lose at battleground, because it means so much when he does.

the question isn't whether or not the third man is one of the best movies ever made. the question is, what is possibly better?

- Big Show looked better than he has in a long time.

did my mom post it? if so, it's fake

This is painfully true, especially looking back at the first few weeks after Inquisition's release, when the PC version was almost unplayable. "Well." I thought. "It's still better than the second one."

It was a Jetsons episode, too, I think