
The Spurs trading bertans is not akin to a player making a purchase based on an intended contract. It’s the Spurs making preparations to be able to complete their side of the deal. In fact, it’s exactly what the Knicks were doing. In the process of completing the contract requirements they found new information that

I agree with this. take your switch and the Google wifi to the primary switch and connect it all. Primary Switch > 16 port switch > Google Wifi. and let it chill for a day or so and see if you lose your gig connection.

Major retailers decided to back Blu-ray instead of hd-dvd. Walmart and Best Buy specifically decided to exclusively carry Blu-ray discs.

it would probably be more like adding items to your subscribe and save order, which ships on a specific day. You also get emails about the upcoming order, So you'd likely have a say in it.

this really annoys me. This is how Windows 8 was supposed to be used. I don't think they ever expected anyone to use full screen metro apps on a desktop. And the desktop mode on RT, while misleading was likely an attempt at continuity.

this really annoys me. This is how Windows 8 was supposed to be used. I don't think they ever expected anyone to use full screen metro apps on a desktop. And the desktop mode on RT, while misleading was likely an attempt at continuity.

I really feel like Brownsville, TX should be on here. It's probably the most racist town name, ever.

school teaches social skills and respect for authority. Sometimes you hate your boss (the teacher) and sometimes you deal with bullies (dumb bitches who don't like you or try to get you fired)

The Amazon link to the Dyson leads nowhere. well, its unavailable.

This is surprising. I've never had a Seagate drive fail on me, but every Western Digital drive I've ever owned has failed within a few months. I do not buy Western Digital at all. Even the company provided Western Digital external hard drive failed on me less than a year after it was purchased.

I think what you just said is not logical at all.

I think the point is that this is being romanticized as "oh, this NFL star can have any car he wants, but he chose to refurbish his 1991 626."

Actually, they probably are. It's the American way. you bet your ass they are going to write that off.

If you're really worried about security. you could use it on your local network to sync documents across your desktop and laptop, etc.

I'm right there with you. I will not shop tigerdirect anymore. too many bad experiences.

Look at the color of the shirt he's wearing. Its clearly better in the negative. And its black in the print.