Angelo Barovier

Actual film from the time period (5 years later, in 1952). Common terminology was Russia (and thus Russian).

Yep. I read the first paragraph, skimmed the second, read the opening sentence of the third, and then, "I'm out!" Speed skimmed the rest and then hit the comments.

Team Patty!


It was for me, though I'll admit it had a fair bit to do with his other role as Lester but also with how effortlessly he was good as a cop in that MCU/Netflix world.

This is peak Sava. So, the likelihood of it letting up is slim but it could ebb and flow as the season goes along. Just skim and go straight to the comments. It's what I did for his Daredevil reviews.

Why would a magician move their hands so much if they didn't want people to pay attention to what they're doing with their hands? That's just illogical! And stupid!

"People fail to see that the oscars aren't the problem."

And exactly why doesn't that product sell well? The answer is not singular nor as simple as it seems you believe.

"Not really, a shady company like Isodyne would want people who don't stick out like a sore thumb, they'd want people who wouldn't be noticed and/or wouldn't be seen as something unusual, so as not to draw attention to themselves. A black lead-scientist is the farthest you can get to something NOT unusual."

A waste of the warts or the genitals?

Dammit. Well, that information was, um, there was a vandal who, er, who came in and deleted all references to dioxeporenariogen because they work for … for Ralltir Pharmaco and they're trying to scrub records of the sale of materials to the First Order. And stuff.

"…with well-defined characters."

As others have noted, they don't even see what's happening and do not investigate. They know. He does this all the time. And they were not sticking around.

So, it's too much like A New Hope and not enough like A New Hope. Dammit!

Wait, the other 2 movies in the trilogy are out? Neat!

I bet you're using the Chicago Manual.

I saw it in front of the D-Box seats (so we could see the tilting and feel the rumbling) and it seemed like a lot of fun.

The atmosphere on Starkiller base is tinged with dioxeporenariogen, a byproduct of the weapon's power system. Dioxeporenariogen, as any galactic scientist or explorer knows, interferes with the normal interaction of moisture and heat which causes misty exhalation.

"So why would she put him through an expensive legal battle that she would, without a doubt, lose?"