Get off my lawn

This is basically the “great man” (and uh, er, woman) theory historians have wrestled with for ages. How do we measure or understand the impact that one person can have on history. Did these particular individuals actually MAKE history or just play a role for which they became famous?

I’d love to see an episode o Seinfeld that was actually about something important....

I’,sorry but fuck that.

Ugh. All I can hear is the sounds of my childhood being raped. “Was he a replicant” (books, no. Movie, yes. I saw them both.) Star Wars Force Awakens sucked but it wasn’t Ford’s fault. He just needed to pay rent and we all paid our 14 dollars just to see solo and his walking carpet on the big screen one last time. All

Well, character building and world building is difficult in four episodes so I give you that. But we’re also talking about trying friggin appreciate a story that has like three year gaps in between episodes. I mean, the new story has taken so long to tell that I honestly can’t recall any part of the story AT ALL. I

Fuck that shit. IT’S LITERALLY HIS JOB. He’s not doing it. Criticism is warranted. Besides, if he didn’t have an ending, why commit to a schedule over and over again if you’re going to screw it up. There’s no universe where that makes fans happy or sense in business. People will just lose faith and interest and up the

Yes my anime brother from another mother. It’s almost becoming kind of like Half Life 2. Kind of a fucking unicorn at this point. Make a shitty Godzilla movie? Sure! Do a different cartoon instead of the one I promised? Why the hell not?

Mr Mxlplx or whatever and Mr Impossible!

Gul durrnit. CO-creator. Please don’t “Bob Kane” another Batman for posterity sake at least.

Hmmm, yeah but no. Puppetry is much closer to theater. It’s a choreographed performance edited onto film. So really this comes down a question of definitions.

Hah! Shit. I never realized that. He’s basically the “after” picture for a meth addict PSA.

Well to be honest, nearly all modern comic characters are either a rip off or pastiche of something from another company.

No one is saying it is her fault. But it is her responsibility to mitigate risk. If you own TV then you can insure your tv, install an alarm, install video cameras, bolt the tv to the wall or floor to make moving it less likely just to name a few things.

Yes but then need to consider the implications of your actions. It’s not a problem you and a consenting partner to be taking nude pics. At the same time you need to recognize the risk that your actions involve.

First of all, the more advanced technology gets, the less privacy we will have. Face it.

Okay, homeboys need PR and or marketing cuz the title kinda sucks. I get the huff and puff and all that but still. Not a hook unto itself. Clever in retrospect and all that but whatever.

Wow. Steve Irwin wishes he had all that shwag.

I kind of want to get into a fight now and totally yell out shit like Bam and Pow everytime I hit someone or someone hits me. I think I’d actually have the oponent laughing so hard I could eventually overtake them.

Wait, All Star Superman has Superman dying on a damn clock and desperately doing his bucket list. Explain to me how that is not dark.

Excellent point! And I think the reason is because at that point you no longer have a “Batman” but just Punisher with bat ears and a cape.