So. Fucking. Happy right now.Cannot wait. Surprised they didn’t show show the special “Bat phone” under glass or a more Caesar Romero style Joker. Other than that, I am very giddy.
So. Fucking. Happy right now.Cannot wait. Surprised they didn’t show show the special “Bat phone” under glass or a more Caesar Romero style Joker. Other than that, I am very giddy.
As if film makers give a royal shit about continuity. C’mon. Clues like that aren’t proof of anything like, ever.
Love me some Dark Matter. It’s a perfect example of a nature versus nurture kind of argument and like the apocalypse, provides a very enticing reset button on our own lives that challenges our own selves to explore the notion of what we personally would be like with an actual second chance. We can “be somebody new”…
So this got me thinking. “All is as the force wills it”. Kind of an interesting statement. This implies several interseting conclusions on the part of force worshippers:
Actually pain sensors are kind of a great idea for droids for the same reason it’s good for biologicals: they allow the entity and all observing entities to respect performance tolerances. I’m sure some droids that have highly complex intelligence could deactivate their own pain sensors where appropriate and some…
You’re kidding, right?
John dies at the end. I’ve seen it. Doop!
So the race of Gods worshipped by some of the most caucasian cultures in the world and in all their literature, you don’t anyone happened to mention that the guardian to the gateway of the heavens was the color of night? I don’t buy it. Am I racist? Yes, but not because of this post. I seem to be the only guy who…
To beat Galactus, BP would need a Hulk...
Nooooooo. It’s not the same comparison. Saying “MLK is articulate for a black dude” is basically imposing a preconceived and racist notion about how good an actual person of color could acquire and use a “foreign” language. It’s a statement oozing with racism and it’s a step backwards from acceptance; it’s still a…
Uh, rich, magical, royal, genius, king, super pajamas, advanced technology, nationalist, educated, alien super metal, probably the first. I think that wraps up all his advantages and I can’t see any of the Icon characters or even Miles (who is only HALF black) measuring up to that shit. He is practically the…
C’mon now, the only “orange” people are red heads who are all like from Scotland or Ireland or some shit. Just because of Brexit, the Isles are no longer Europe?
Gee whiz, kinda like serialized form of story telling that one might label “comics?”
Try the Ultimate Universe Black Panther too if you can find it.In the same way they emphasize Captain America as a master tactician, this universe gives that same quality to Panther as like his reason for being badass. He’s not just a fully fleshed out character but he’s also the smartest war cat on the block. And…
Favorite line from Civil War....
Thanks for sharing that well thought out deconstruction. She completely demolishes poor Lars and I have to say I fell for some of his shtick.
Shit, you both get stars...(and how about you throw in just one more kahlessi nude shot, y’know for the sick kids?)
People of all ages can enjoy the show especially if you’re a fan or art, Japanese culture, or samurai fighting specifically. The backgrounds are amazing, the sound is amazing and the story telling can be anywhere from light-hearted to deeply moving. There’s a good deal of violence but it’s almost always toward robots.
Ugh. Let’s get perspective. Ex-Machina wasn’t about a “her” it was about an “it”. We’re still talking about a machine. So mad scientist guy uses his fortune create what he considers to be the perfect companion and outsmarts himself. I see this less about sexualization and more about like hubris. It sings closer to…
Sure, let’s just reject the idea of competition altogether and all live in peace and harmony and complete equality where no one is allowed to be better than anyone else at any time ever. Wait, wasn’t that a movie...?