Rozelle’s Bagman

Large sunk cost hole discovered

Orchard Park: Large Sunk Cost Hole Discovered

They already have this, you just have it backwards.


I like this guy.

Worst Hub then. Which it is, except when it's CLT or PHL

Yeah, Ray Rice is totally feeling the spank, not Vandalay Industries.

Classic Pittsburgh.

And neither did FOX, since their Chyron read "End of 1st Overtime" [insert screencap here]

Where are those Worms Armegeddon mp3s???

Another base stolen in vain.

It's Archer. Shoot Pam. Just because.

Suboptimus Prime.

Vinnie the Chin called. From a payphone, natch.

Who the fuck still uses a payphone.

2.00 2.00 2.00. It was a dead heat.

Football Manager has had the same widow-making, job-threatening grip on me from time to time.


And Paul Schrieber calls a balk.

Just what I need, another 10 minutes to chase losses betting Cardinals +8