Now in stock: Arielle Angelovich Does My Homework
Math isn't the only thing that's hard.
@MarkKelsosMigraine: Well since this is where all the designated fanboys are posting I'll plant my flag here.
New Hampshire strip joint bands cover Cheap Trick better than that.
@Thus Spake KATE!: When the American BMI gets within a Standard deviation of French BMI we'll revisit.
@GonzoMaz: ELO greater than sign BUD. God I hate Gawker's tenous grasp of the ASCII character table.
Denny's officially confirms that US is still in recession.
They'll never find out for sure who got that
@UkraineNotWeak: It's as compelling as my ex-wife's discovery order.
The school was good with it until they saw the name FEMA over the 29
@Dingleberry Bonds: WTF was all that about? You don't hear from the fuzz for weeks, and *this* is the thread that gets the synapses firing?
@lunewmexico: On the other hand we've solved yesterday's white DJ naming problem, so all wasn't in vain.
@Recidivistic: May I go now Major?
@HurtsSoGood: Can some starred Deadspinner now say something retarded about cars?
@Tweeked Hamstring: But he hasn't seen him angry.
@TotallyRuckedUp: Just stay away from Park and Lee, they're mine. You can have who's left.
Fucking Napoleonic code, no wonder LCD abuses go unpunished.
This ain't rock'n'roll. This is...GENOCIDE.
@Ken Gryphon Jr.: Once in a lifetime indeed.