
My "issue" (for lack of a better word) with non-conservative Hillary haters, isn't the general criticims of her per se, but the implication that she is exceptional in some way. Yeah, I agree that she's an establishment figure, with some sketchy decisions and opinions and votes over the years, but, except for how she

That doesn't mean the person should assume a train approach was imminent. They would have probably given the same advice had they gotten permission to film on the bridge. If you work at a store and they tell you what to do in case of a fire, that doesn't mean you should assume that a fire is imminent or that the

I'm going to have to take the publishers'/Apple's side on the anti-trust case. Prior to the "price-fixing" Amazon had a monopoly on the e-book market and their pricing was so predatory that it was discouraging competition in the market. Not everything in anti-trust should be about making sure customers pay less. The

I'm guessing that Survivor's game plan is now to merge at F12 with the first person voted off not making the jury, but other than Caramoan, they haven't had the chance to do this yet. Survivor hates having double TC episodes, I believe, so any opportunity they have to double up boots in an episode instead, they'll

I know that reality shows aren't subject to game show laws, but does anyone know why? Seems kind of arbitrary. If someone has to be evacuated/quits, just don't have an elimination that episode if it would **** things up for a merge or F2/F3 or whatever.