Ram Samudrala

I don't think my comment is a spoiler, but with regards to this comment: "…I’d assumed the protomolocule was as alien-y as the story was going to get", even a brief read of the synopsis of the Expanse novels will give you an idea of how alien-y the story is (a LOT), and since the show hasn't deviated significantly

Not just Diner Clara. I already made my argument and your insistence that it "DOESN'T" doesn't make it correct. I didn't reply to your comment since I didn't see it until now but I am happy to reply by pointing you back to the argument I made and another poster said was a reasonable example (and who appeared to get

Bad or good is subjective—-there is no correct answer. The only point I was responding to you was about the long term stories/arcs/plots. You wrote:

The point is that Clara doesn't have to remember it - that can be explained away, but the reason for her incarnations (all appearing the same) is further justified beyond what was given in The Name of the Doctor, which provided the "why." This episode provides the "how"—-she's an ageless time traveller. And yes, it

That's my point, it has not been forgotten and using the phrase "run, you clever boy" indicates this is conscious choice (this is the mnemonic the Doctor is supposed to use to remember her). This the same phrasing used at the end of this episode. Yes, we've had one Clara since the third episode featuring Jenna

"Run you clever boy…"

So you're saying that back in The Bells of St. John, where the current Clara appeared in 2013, Moffat was planning for this moment? And someone here was complaining about lack of long term planning by Moffat. :)

The arc involving Clara and her multiple incarnations itself. The time travelling Clara now kind of explains that, paralleling the life of Ishildr herself until she becomes "Me" where she takes on many forms.

I didn't get the Missy/Master reference with regards to Clara and how they first met—-he/she gave the number to Clara to call the TARDIS but why did he do that again? What motive did the Master have in keeping Clara and the Doctor together and how's that related to the Prophecy?

Yes, the story of how they got from the pocket dimension to the end of the universe could be explored (though I think they address it somewhere too but my memory could be off in this regard) but I'm talking about the initial focus/criticism of the review posted above about how this episode shows so much about

Huh? What about the stories where the Doctor finds out what he did to Gallifrey and how it was hidden in a pocket dimension?