
GREAT question.

There was an intervention.

President McCormick was the worst thing that ever happened to Rutgers. He completely ruined everything that was great about the school. He pushed for the consolidation of the schools, thereby watering down Rutgers College. He also pushed for the expansion of the athletic department and made the push for football.

The “From Faaaar and near, we came to Rutgers” is a clever way to retain the nice “Ahh” sound of the classic “Faaahhter” in the original line. It’s also a significant improvement over the meaning of the original version of the line. Stop being an old fart.

I don’t care if she’s crazy and a thief. I still totally would.

I think this mindset underlies all the others. And it’s an important one.

I would add, “Swallow your pride and admit that, like all other humans, you aren’t actually a good driver.”

Robots have no such preconceptions.

Too big is too big. Modern full sized trucks (even half tons) can’t deal with trails that were established by mules followed by tiny WWII surplus Willy’s.

Yawn. I’m so over LS swaps. It would have been way more interesting if they would have used something like a Russian air cooled diesel V4 outboard or a sack of weasels.

Add any Camry owner to that.

Cowboy abuses Redskin woman.

My mom did this to me. She didn’t like my taste in first cars, so she had my step-dad help me find a shitty example of a car I wanted, just to teach me a lesson that “first cars aren’t supposed to be fun,” or something. (keep in mind I still paid for it with my own money, but she knew I would trust my step-dad’s

with a butt hanging out of his mouth the whole time, kids right here is peak trucker

People need to understand Saleen just blinks in and out of existence at will. They’re not bound by conventional corporate finances in much the same way as electrons don’t obey Newtonian mechanics.

I’m sorry I can’t hear you over all of the LOVE

De-funding the EPA will fix this.

Actually, I’m proud to announce that as of this morning, all three of my XJs run and drive (I just swapped an engine into my once-hydrolocked red XJ).

They function, and they’re well-maintained (assuming body rust isn’t considered a maintenance item).

Do any of you care about functioning, well-maintained cars?

Ken Block: “Mr. Minister, may we shoot Gymkhana 9 in your country. We promise to do so only on closed roads.”

Very disrespectful to the military.