
I don’t think it’s an example of how the show is aging badly due to changing sensibilities, I just think it’s an example of a GQ writer who doesn’t like how satire works - that is, to provide an obvious example of bad or ridiculous behavior in order to point out how bad or ridiculous it is.

Jesus Christ, you people are puritanical joy vampires. Do we really need to frame the fucking Office in some bullshit postmodern White Male Evil progressive sex-negative terms? It’s a sitcom. Michael Scott is now some kind of predator?

Apple’s newest tag line: “There’s a dongle for that.”

Ah... the headphone adapter with charging port, fifty bucks, coming soon.

But how do you charge it while listening to music with a wired headset or AUX jack?

Why should we go with DST instead of the real time? Let noon be noon, and start your day an hour earlier if you want more light after work.