
Matt Smith often appeared harmless and cute as the Eleventh Doctor especially after one became used to the sturm und drang of David Tennant. (Not that Ten didn't have his lighter moments and not that I didn't enjoy the drama.) But that's good because I don't think you could have done the episode "The Doctor's Wife"

I could never figure out why, if Harry could speak Parseltongue, he didn't tell the Basilisk to stop attacking him.

Neville and Luna 4 evah.

So you haven't seen the HarryXSnape fan fic.

If she had ever stopped crying maybe. I think the Cedric Diggory thing messed her up for years.

I'm pretty sure "When Harry Met Sally" proved men and women can't be just friends.

There was sex too even if it was in Ron's imagination.

Cedric Diggory had abs. We didn't see them but we know they were there.

But I never bought Harry x Ginny either and it isn't just movie Ginny although the actress doesn't help. They don't seem to have enough in common to make it work and they're not dissimilar enough to complement each other. Then again, I thought Luna and Neville would be good together because of their sad backgrounds


When I was a kid, middle-aged was considered to be 35 because people were living to be roughly 70. At that point, some people- especially men- were sometimes accused of having a "mid-life crisis". It wasn't until we got to Gen Y that people began claiming they were having a quarter-life crisis. Jesus! Of course,

It looked like it was going to be hopelessly stupid and that's why I wanted to see it.

Many have pointed out the interesting fact that Shampoo takes place on Election Day 1968 and stories about the election appear on various televisions, but everyone in the movie is too busy with their personal dramas to vote and thus Nixon was elected.

The 82 Conan is pretty bad except it's fun to see Sandahl Bergman as Valeria after her turn in "Xanadu" as Muse 1. Also Schwarzenegger's lines are nearly unintelligible, which is surprising considering this movie was ten years after "Pumping Iron", and he very much embodies the character before he became Conan the

That lipstick with that haircut is the only thing working for him.

I rewatched "Mary Poppins" a few years ago. I hadn't seen it since I was a kid and I had very little recollection of the parents other than there, by necessity, having been some who made an appearance. I was surprised to see that the reason Jane and Michael's mother wasn't raising them- apart from her being rich- was

My mom and I watched this documentary soon after it came out and, ironically, it gave us hope.

Stories from their haunted house? I have a couple and I can ask her for more. One very interesting thing about it was that it was a multicultural endeavor but not in the usual sense. All of the people creating and building and operating and visiting it were Americans who were born here but some of them- like my

I'm a woman and a Windows Phone owner so how do you think I feel?