
Yeah and what eye roll am I supposed to be seeing?

I’m sorry, Stassa, but this article basically amounts to, “Smile, it can’t be that bad.”

Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?

How far do you think Taylor’s going to go to steal all Tom’s thunder this weekend? (It’s the Emmys on Sunday.)

That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.

Oh okay. I get it. You’re just reading whatever you want from Bobby’s comment, my comment and Halle’s comment. None of us said anything like what you said we did. But that’s okay. You see whatever you wanna see.

Drink water?

You know what is funny as hell? People telling other people what to eat or drink 100% based on their opinion of said food or beverage. I have an idea... how about people eat and drink what they want and everyone else can fuck off. Yeah, let’s go with that.

Jezebel’s fashion coverage used to be a lot better...I know Jenna (former model and writer here) had a lot of wonderful articles on shows and other fashion stuff.


Also, you’re not entitled to have Oprah pick your book! That’s the thing—it’s Oprah’s name on the goddamned book club; she can pick whatever she wants. Sit down, sad white lady.