One word: compulsion. Vampires can compel people with commands and fake memories. That’s a great explanation for how vampires could stay secret for so long.
One word: compulsion. Vampires can compel people with commands and fake memories. That’s a great explanation for how vampires could stay secret for so long.
No one else in the restaurant noticed the hologram tech, because the device determined who was near enough, and looking towards the device, and only beamed light into their eyes to create 3d images.
My hope is that this is the Predator’s trophy room, and it was actually the Predators who are were behind the cloning technology all the way back in Jurassic Park. Now they can have Xenomorphs use the Indominus Rex and other dinosaurs as hosts to create the ultimate hunt!
I choose to believe it’s Adam Scott’s character from Hot Tub Timemachine 2, who after getting drunk and taking a hot tub time trip, wakes up to find out he enlisted in Star Fleet.
Telepathy spread. Without comforting lies, despair.
That mashup is awesome, but this one gets extra points for having Chris Evans.
Icee what you did there.