Ramlih Malcowitz

Future peoples will look back and be puzzled at how mere homo sapiens received homo superior, with the "Kanye West era" of American history being the beginning of a final uptick in American history after its slump and stagnation.

that its way inaccurate in a bunch of ways and she mangles what lil icelandic she uses

its ok
probably less irritating if you arent icelandic

Grave is way different when you see it as an adult, compared to as a child.
It doesn't make it worse exactly, but it certainly doesn't make you as teary eyed about what happens. Angry, maybe.

Yo, a hint: Icelanders are always referred to by their "First names" and never by their "Last Names" as they're patronyms (in some cases matronyms), so unless you really want us to know who they dad was, you use their given name.