
Ok, a lot of you idiots have completely missed the point. They don’t care about his answer. They don’t care whether or not he’s gay, his mother is a prostitute, or any of those questions. All they cared about was how he handled it. But you dumbasses are in here talking about discrimination.

Ok well the author of this post only mentioned 5 claims so I went with 5 claims. If there’s evidence it’s 5,000 then obviously that’s more serious. Not that 5 wouldn’t be serious, it would be just less statistically damming to Uber.

Uber is still better than a regular cab service. Taking cabs I have been sexually harrassed countless of times - I have had some really bad experiences, however, I was never able to do anything. It is not easy to get the name of the cab driver.. I have tried.. sometimes is too dark in there, their names are not easily

Sorry, but they treat this customer great. I wouldn’t use them all the time if they didn’t

Lets compare Uber numbers to the “cab” numbers. I have used both Cabs and Uber for *years*. The cab stories I could tell you would chill your soul. Including getting into a cab and sitting in fresh vomit. A Cab driver that TRIED TO BUY MY TEEN AGED DAUGHTER FROM ME. Please. Give me Uber ANY day. I think I’m at more or