

Three buttocks, actually…

I think GoT returns to HBO on July 16?

Waiting for someone to put this one on here…

Fuck you 2016. Just fuck you.

I like that story better.

He lost me at "sereptitiously."

The Drive By Truckers need to have a couple songs on the soundtrack for this or there is no justice in the world. Angles and Fuselage would work well over the end credits.

My love for this band knows no bounds. See avatar. (Look closely.) Was worried they might have been done after Craig's recent solo efforts. They are so good live and with Franz back, these shows should be killer.

Your favorite band sucks!

Don't tell 'em your car is broke either!

I saw this movie in a movie theater…ABOUT THIRTY YEARS AGO! Holy shit, that makes me feel really old.

KILLER ALBUM start to finish.

Extra points for anybody who remembers Billy Beer.


You don't know what you're missing.

So, is anyone else disturbed by the fact that Colin Quinn's character is going into an assisted living facility. Quinn is only 56 years old!

No! Jew?

As evidenced by my simultaneous posting, the answer is yes.

It would have been even better if they didn't shut down EXACTLY at 10 pm for a goddamned noise ordinance. A little warning regarding that aspect of concert attendance at Forest Hills would have been nice. Otherwise, awesome fucking show!