
i would say McCarthy was right, but at this point i don't care. Google take me away...

i like the parody of iBuddy in the beginning, Apple should do stuff like that in their marketing. but after that it's kind of eh. not bad though.

why don't they just buy facebook.

i love all bubbly. except for the cheap stuff (e.g. Andre)

@N7: yeah, i haven't played this but it certainly doesn't look original.

@Les Mikesell: they do compete sort of. a lot of times if the govt is requesting something big they will put out a RFP for a company to become the sole source provider for an IDIQ contract. so once you win that initial bid, then whoever gets chosen (can be a group of companies) are the only ones allowed to bid for

@92BuickLeSabre: Hadrian, I'ma let you finish but Trajan's wall was better.

can i just say, that picture still creeps me out.

@ThisCharmingMan: well the reason they advocate cans over glass is light is bad for beer and glass lets in more.

@ThisCharmingMan: if it's one of the 'good' canned beers they recommend you pour it in a glass so you're not licking on the can trying to get at the yummy goodness. :P

don't drink oskar blue's old chub....i don't know what is up with that beer, but my friends and i always got head aches from it. but we also got really hammered from it. it's too potent for continuous consumption.

i've had my droid for almost a year now and i've never purchased an app. with what google gives away and the number of useful free apps i can't conceive of a reason/need to buy an app. i feel like a lot of the apps that are for sale in Apples store don't have much value beyond a minor convenience to information a

@MacAttack: $1.25 for a 'cup' of caffeine, not bad at all.

kind of a stretch putting the two together. it's pretty much just a nonsensical ad.

the new season of mad men sucks. they've lost the magic and the story writing has gone down hill. at least it was good for a while.

I am most like Gob.

it's finally slowed down for me. they were calling me at work and on my cell phone. and then i recently got one for health insurance that was the same format. i can't imagine what i would do if i met one of the people running this thing.

@subtle: yeah, they have a write up on the virtualization. you have to have a specific chipset that allows you to do it. i think the new lines of chips allow you to use the virtualization. the whole XP thing though is targeted towards businesses to get them to accept the upgrade, but i guess it would be nice for the

so what you're saying is OS X only works in a controlled enviornment? hmmm, reminds me of the mojave project.