
C137 Jerry is a machete wielding badass Omega Man character. I think in the absence of Rick, Jerry might actually flourish.

They already did the cloud atlas riff in Inter-dimensional Cable 1. I think this was pure Mad Max satire.

Or that she didn't mind his aroma of shit and piss.

I'll put this next to South Park's "Asspen" episode as great 80's ski movie parodies.

Based on the pacing, it looks like we'll get all of Leviathan Wakes into the first season. That's a very good thing.

Did anyone else hear Mike's precise accent slip in his showdown with Lou?

Well, he did last a few months with a people that eat every 3rd baby. That's gotta count for something.

"I told them this was the intergalactic symbol for peace among worlds," says Zeep while giving the peace sign. It's little touches like this that nake this show brilliant.

maybe it was just as simple as Lion's back being too crowded?

I think there's a lot to be said about the characterization of the gems in this one. They've been on earth for thousands of years, and seem genuinely awkward around greg. Yet we know, Greg and Steven in turn will induce massive changes in their lives in a few short years. Look at the temple for an example of that:

Ocean City: What's the deal there?

Or maybe a quick cut to a credit scene in which the gang's "Arbitration Process," is underway.

The star techie is cisco ramon, aka Vibe.

The flash's power has been greatly abused over the years. They can make him do just about anything with super speed.

I was a kid when the Frank Grimes Simpsons episode came on. Grimey was pretty much my nickname from then on.

I about lost it when the lady demanded that they get separate boards for theater masturbaters and popcorn sharers. They crafted the scenario so perfectly, that an ordinary citizen laid out the punchline.

Your vocabulistics are more better than all us.

Both characters do seem to apply their vices to the extreme. Jakes kleptomania in town of thieves comes to mind.

The only thing that really got under my skin was having Gus just randomly stumble upon Malvo. But then again, that's the 3rd or 4th time he's just happened upon him. Maybe in the end, it's about Gus finally standing up and taking advantage of the situation to do the right thing, even if that thing is unpleasant or
